The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) issued a circular on 17th of January this year, 2020, which communicated to all SETA CEO’s, their position regarding the Labour Court Ruling which set aside the illegal reduction of the mandatory grant payment...
KZNEIA Member’s News
Skills Development
Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Reports
No sooner have HR, payroll and Financial departments of designated employers finished with the submissions of their annual Employment Equity report, is it time to turn our attention to Workplace Skills Plans for and Annual Training Report submissions to the SETA’s. As...
Astounding stats from merSETA’s NSDMS system
MerSETA confirms that the National Skills Development Management System (NSDMS), implemented from 1 February 2018, has been assisting stakeholders in Skills Development, to "become more efficient and effective" to "implement and facilitate access to skills development...
Skills Development: Financial Benefits for your company
Skills development is one of the priority elements of the BBBEE scorecard. Skills development measures the extent to which a company carries out initiatives designed to develop the competencies of black people both internal and external to the company. The sub-minimum...
2020 WSP / ATR Submissions Deadlines
Call to all SDF’s who have not yet completed their WSP / ATR submission for 2019 / 2020: 7 days to go before the deadline but there is still time for you to submit. The merSETA NSDMS (Skills development portal) has beaten most of the bugs in the system from last year...
The Strategic Role of a Skills Development Facilitator
Annual Skills Development grant submissions are due for by 30th of April 2019, and the system for all SETA’s is open for capture. In order to claim for funding from the Sectoral Education Training Authority (SETA) a company must submit a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP)...
Mandatory Grant submissions 2019/2020 are due 30 April 2019
Friday 1st of February and the the newly implemented grant application system for merSETA (as well as other SETA’s) is officially open! The submission deadline for the financial period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, for Mandatory and Discretionary grant submissions by...
Up-skilling and education will help the country to succeed
There is no doubt that the vast discrepancy between those who have access to work opportunities and that who do not, is founded in the sheer number of unemployed and insufficiently educated youth in South Africa today. Caught in a vicious cycle of poverty, South...
QCTO: Workplace Training Policy
Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) would like to invite interested parties to a workshop on the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Workplace Training Policy. The workshop will: Introduce the QCTO provide an update on the current status of the QCTO...
KZNEIA report-back on the merSETA 2017-18 AGM
KZNEIA attended the merSETA 2017 / 18 AGM on Friday 26th of October. Presenting to a full room, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Wayne Adams, was enthusiastic and complimentary of the 2018 grants process. The merSETA received an first time clean audit against the...