(Photograph by Ihsaan Haffejee) “It’s unbelievable. We feel like flying, we are so happy. I nearly broke into song inside [the Constitutional Court], breaking the law…” These were the words of 77-year-old Eunice Dhladhla, a domestic workers’ union organiser, after the...
KZNEIA Member’s News
11 IMPORTANT Tips for claiming UIF
While UIF is overwhelmed with claims and urgent pleas for assistance, there are some things that claimers can do, to be proactive in finding out the reason for the delay in payment. Your employment history and associated documentation is of utmost importance and if...
UIF: A work in progress
Temporary Employee / Employer Relief is the name of the game in the country at the moment. Initially bandied around as one of the safeguards intended to ensure that South Africans and companies would be able to survive what was to become level 5 of lockdown, has...
TERS Payment Breakdown Report
In response to the need for detailed lists of which staff have had TERS Claims successfully paid out and at what value, please note that UIF have added a button on the portal “Payment Breakdown report”. Log into and click on this button for the breakdown. Kind regards...
TERS UIF Guidelines for submitting online
Good Day All, From a business point of view, the hot topic of the day is most certainly the TERS UIF applications. KZNEIA and its partners as well as the Coastal Alliance Associations have been hard at work today dealing with copious questions from our members and...
Finalised TERS Amendments
URGENT NOTICE: The Gazetted Amendments wrt TERS has been finalised with critical changes inserted after clause 3.7 of the Directive: 3.8.1 An employer whose employees are entitled to receive covid-19 benefits provided by the Unemployment Insurance Fund during the...
Update on the TERS process from BUSA
Day 13 of lockdown, but hopefully a lucky number as we continue to try and make sense of the overwhelming amount of information being propagated and then put into doubt with an equal amount of fake news. We can confirm this information [below] from BUSA on TERS. We do...
These are not unprecedented times
Yesterday (day 11) was “hump day” of our 21-day lock down we are starting to look at the downward slope towards the end of the quarantine period. Many questions remain unanswered and while some speculate that the lockdown may be extended, we must proceed with the...
Update on TERS applications and the MEIBC or not?
There have been no developments with regards TERS since last week. The only matter is whether the MEIBC will be an additional portal to use. However, companies need to ensure all documentation is complete and fill in the MOA. TERS guidelines have already confirmed...
UIF documents for Reduced working time, Illness and Death Claims
UPDATED UIF DOCUMENTS The Unemployment Insurance Fund will compensate affected workers through its existing the Illness and Reduced Work Time benefits. The UIF EASY-AID GUIDE outlines Reduced working time, Illness claims, Death benefits, which forms to use and the...